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Drawing has been a favorite pastime of mine since childhood. It wasn't until adulthood that I began accepting commissions for rendering photos into pencil made portraits.

As you scroll down, you can see a sampling of my favorite portraits I've done over the years.
M&B Final Photo Edits final 2024.jpg
Rocky, Pencil Portrait, 2014
Aubrey Portrait_edited.jpg
RAW Edited.jpg

The Process

The Set Up

I work with the image open in a photo-editing program, and overlay a grid pattern over it and draw the same grid on the paper. I use a ruler to match size and shap of each person's features!

Drawing Process

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does a portrait take to make? 

A: Each person takes approximately 6 hours to finish in B&W, more if in color (which is why it costs more). So a four-face portrait in color might take upwards of 30 hours to finish.

Q: Do you work from photographs or in 


A: Photographs only. I manipulate them in a photo editing program, and compare my drawing to the photograph at certain intervals to ensure a true likeness!

Q: How do I choose a picture to use, I have so many! 

A: Check out the Choosing Section on this page for suggestions on how to pick one out. Basically, the more natural, the better, and watch out for harsh shadows or flash. 

Q: Can I order a picture in a different size than you offer? 

A: To a certain extent, yes. Please Contact Me and we'll discuss pricing and logistics. 

Q: Do you draw pets? 

A: Sure! I don't normally draw animals, but I'm open to almost anything!

Q: Do you draw celebrities? 

A: No. The exception is if you have personally taken a photo of/with a celebrity. 

Q: I have a picture I want drawn, but I don't like their outfit. Can you change it? 

A: Nothing too drastic. I can leave out the printed words/pictures/patterns on the shirt without problem, but I can't remove a hat or glasses. If you have requests, Contact Me first before ordering.

Q: When will I get the portrait? 

A: Depending on the season, it will take about 10 days to have the portrait in your hands from the day I receive your order.


Q: Can I pay in Cash or Check? 

A: I accept cash from Portland Locals. I do not accept personal checks, but I will take Money Orders and Cashier's Checks. Please see options during checkout in The Portraits Store

Q: Are you able to merge multiple photos into one? 

A: I want to say yes, but it's pretty complicated. I have to take into consideration light and shadow, as well as camera angles. Basically if the images are from the same day at the same place, facing the same direction, then yes (Ex: You took three separate pictures of your kids at the park, each facing the same way so that the sun is on the same side of each face). Otherwise it just does not end up looking right. 


Ordering Process

Step 1: Review pricing and options Here

Step 2: Fill out This Form

Step 3: I will get back to you to confirm options and pricing

(Please Note, 50% of the final cost is required upfront)

Step 4: I start the portrait and will update you at certain intervals. 

Step 5: When the portrait is finished, shipping info will be confirmed, remainder of the payment is required, I ship your portrait!


Ordering Info
Contact me to learn more

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